
It's a shock to me to know Professor Martha's passing away. She was such a nice person and always smiled at me when she saw me and asked about my life, although she did not teach me during my stay at HKBU.

I wish her peace and happiness in heaven and I will always remember her.

Ms Liubing Chen,
MA Alumni


Dear Martha,
Wish you rest in peace.

Ms Cindy Sun



这些天来,梦中常见到您,醒来又多是泪痕;您的音容笑貌、您的妙手文章将永远印在我们心中。有时候,凭窗南望星空,渴望看到那颗最亮的星星,那一定是您,在向我们眨着您智慧的眼睛!我想我们也决不辜负您那颗大爱的心! 张老师,您安息吧!我们永远守望着您!

Mr Lu Zhiguo(Henry),
PhD student


Martha Cheung and I met in 2003 when she came to the CETRA translation summer school in Misano, Italy, to hear my lectures on translation. During the decade we knew each other, she grew to be one of the greatest contemporary translation studies scholars. She made a permanent contribution to the field with her 2006 volume, An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation, and her many keynote lectures in the last decade of her life. Martha had a modest view of her position in the field, but her deep thought, her astute clear mind, and her lively habit of critical inquiry put her at the top of the field.

Though Martha and I only had a decade as friends, it was a decade filled with closeness (both collegial and personal), sharing, and feeling. The two weeks at CETRA in 2003 were filled with discussions of her work and mine, but much more. We talked about her cancer and my sicknesses, our health and healing, and our joy in life.

That was the beginning of ten years of friendship, a friendship conducted half way around the world. We didn't have the luxury of getting together over lunch or taking a walk together or dropping in to each other's office. But we would meet up and spend time together at conferences, we had wonderful times when I came to Hong Kong, we traveled together, we wrote emails, and we talked on the phone from time to time--her morning and my evening or my morning and her evening, joined in a sort of yin-yang of time.

I loved her keen understanding and astute assessment of texts, culture, politics, and people. We investigated and explored mutual interests in translation studies, in ideology, and in life. We debated things. We shared ideas. We shared art and food. We shared spiritual reflection and meditation. And we shared feelings: fears, uncertainties, strengths, determination, loves, the whole range.

We could be intense and we could be quiet together. Sometimes we could be at the edge of tears, but mostly we laughed together. There was a lot of laughter--sardonic and ironic laughter, satirical laughter, hilarity, the laughter of pleasure, the laughter of girls and of mature women. We liked being women in the world together.

We appreciated each other's complex thinking about mutual subjects of interest. We learned from each other. We grew together in our understanding of translation; of the ways that cultures are similar and different; of problems of communication across language, tradition, and difference. We tolerated difference inside our friendship and out in the world. We forgave each other's lapses and failures, we had compassion for one another. Very different in our personal histories and our temperaments, we moved from friendship to sisterhood. We loved each other.

I count Martha as one of my dearest friends and I miss her more than I can say.

Ms Maria Tymoczko


We will always be thankful for your effort educating us!
We will always miss you!

Ms Flora Cheng


You are always with us, Martha. You have not left us. We think of you everyday and please "whatsapp" us in anyway you could.
We send best wishes to your family.

Prof Cindy Yik-yi Chu,


Dear Martha,
        I still can't believe that I will never see you again at the future workshops. Your smiles are still so clear in my mind and your voice lingering in my ears. I don't know how to express my sorrow of your leaving at this moment, but I prefer to believe that you are still alive in another world, happy and painless.
        Thank you very much for the workshops, which inspires Ph. D students like me a lot and provides us a platform to get to know professors in this field and make friends with other students; and thank you for the book: An Anthology of Chinese Discourse on Translation. "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee".

Sincerely yours,
Rosie Guixia XIE

Dr Rosie Guixia XIE,
Sun Yat-sen University







I always bare one word in mind of which I found it in you and you loved it so much: magnanimity.

Ms Wendy Wo,
BA (Tran.) Class of 2000


Let me first express my condolences to her family and friends.

I still cannot believe someone can be so fresh, energetic and enthusiastic after flying so many hours. That was Professor Cheung’s appearance through the arrival gates at Barcelona’s airport in June 2011, the very moment I met her. Now she’s flown away, on a long, one-way trip to the unknown, but her strength and passion will live on forever. Gràcies per dedicar-me un xic del teu preciós temps, Martha; conèixer-te m’ha canviat la vida. Descansa en pau.

Jesus Sayols,
Centre for Translation


Professor Cheung, you're such a loving person and always enthusiastic in your teaching life. I will always remember your big smile in classes, for it truly warms everyone's heart.

Rest in peace, dear Martha

Ms Edwina



Prof Stephen C. K. Chan陳清僑教授,
Associate Vice President (Academic Affairs) and Registrar,
Lingnan University


我這就去闖了。在英國時,你說:我去開conference時一起去玩。葡國沒去成,你卻在倫敦Charing Cross的大宅裡教我耍太極。我說,今天帶你吃好的。然後幾個人去Belgo找吃的,你吃mussels那開懷的樣子我還沒有忘記。

Queenie Kung, BA in Translation,
Class of 2005


We will remember you all the time

Mr Tongwenjie


我和同学都很难过,真的特别难过......Martha是当年面试我的提问官,我还记得当时太紧张,第一个问题就没听懂,还让她重复了, 她很好,语气柔和地又说问了一次......后来知道她是系主任后,觉得她一点架子也没有。再后来选修了她的课,让我很佩服她能把佛经翻译枯燥的东西讲的如此有趣,还知道中国历史上最早的几个翻译大师(确切说他们当时都是和尚),把梵语的佛经翻译成 汉语。他们碰到的困难,用的方法,以及他们当时的一些失误(自身语言掌握能力或者外界压力造成)延续到现在, 如"观世音" 应该是叫"观自在"等。虽然一些错误后来被发现,可是持续了上百年,甚至上千年后,已经变成习惯,很难再更正过来,使我们 深刻地体会到翻译责任重大!她的课,鼓励我们多尝试不同角度写功课,她也能一眼看出大家各自花了多少工夫对待作业。每次上 她的课,阅读量很多,讨论多,压力大,但会看到自己的进步~有次,我的paper被她挑出来,让她的博士学生评论。没想到,博士师 兄特别准备了power point 来评论,她后来也补充,让我知道哪些地方需要改进,哪些是她最欣赏的,要得到她课上的一些肯定 不容易喔~Martha也是个会调节气氛的教授,会在讨论休息时给大家发巧克力,不时会突然请大家课后吃饭或者吃甜品...... 一个学期下来,本来以为我那门课分数低,因为是有和博士们一起上,没想到她给了中等分,真是很大的鼓励啊!后来每年翻译系有一,二次活动,我还是会参加的,她都能认出我。Martha,谢谢你!Thank you for being my teacher! Missing you...



Thank you for your smile, your kindness, your guidance and the appreciation you showed. Martha, may you rest in peace and may the Lord comfort your loved ones as they continue their life without you.

Ms Angela Ng
Language Centre, HKBU


I am truly saddened to hear the recent loss of a remarkable person and would like to express my sincere condolences to the family on the passing of their loved one.

I was not lucky enough to know Martha personally, but I do know that she was loved and respected by her students and colleagues. I believe her legacy will remain…

Dr Ellen Zhang


Dear Professor Martha Cheung,

You let me know what good English translation is and what the good translating style is- in a special way that inspires me to know how to acquire the knowledge about and beyond translation, to know what I really want to do for translation, and to realize what the spirit of research is. I am so sorry not to attend the memorial activity. therefore, I write down a few words in memory of you.

You are the best there ever was, and the best there ever would be.


Wang Dawen
MA in translation


I just cannot believe it since I've heard the news! I will keep her suggestions in mind forever and may she rest in peace.

Ms Jacqueline


Pray for you and your family! In GOD.



Beyond the incidental meetings on campus, my fondest memory is one where a bunch of cheery colleagues met at the pub in Frankie Centre. You ordered wine. All was warm and happy and I've always hoped for more sessions like these. There are so many amazing things you've done that makes HKBU such a good place to be at, and we would be so much the poorer without you.

Dr Lian-Hee Wee


Martha is one of the great teachers we are lucky to have during our time at the Baptist University Translation Programme. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and for giving us all those happy moments at class.

Ms Jane Cheng


Thank you for your words of wisdom, which have comforted me, inspired me, enlightened me, guided me... It was a pleasure to have you as a professor. Rest in peace, Martha.

Mr Tony Yip


Rest in peace!

Ms Gina Wong


It is not so common that a new colleague arrives on campus and so immediately affects the quality, atmosphere, and collegial spirit of the place. Martha did just that, not only for the Translation Program but, as far as I could see, the entire Arts Faculty. When I became a dean in Philadelphia in 2001, I hung a saying on my office wall to remind myself of my duty: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting great battles.--Philo of Alexandria." Very often when I looked up at that piece of calligraphy, Martha, in all the warmth of her pleasant, calm, and kind face, appeared in my mind. I suspect it will remain there always, and I shall always thank her for it.

Prof Peter Stambler


又是一年中秋月,去年的此刻我同朋友與Professor Lai談到您的病情,很是記掛您。離港回京,沒能和您說一聲再見,沒想到這一句沒說出口的再見卻成了我一生的遺憾。今天,驚聞您的離去,我想和您說,“老師,您一路走好!”天堂裡沒有痛苦,老師,您要珍重!

Mr Li Runyao


Our dearest Professor, I miss you, especially your big smile and your energetic teaching attitude. Thanks for loving us as your own child! You said once, 'it's not a matter of what you say, but the way how you present it.' It becomes one of my motto. Thank you Martha, lots and lots of thanks. R.I.P. and I supposed you were living happily in the heaven :)

Ms Elaine


I enjoyed working with you at the GE working group under your leadership which demonstrated professional integrity and honesty! I learned so much from you! Miss you, Martha!

Dr Ella Chan



Dr Dan Lu
Language Center,


Dear Prof CHEUNG,
Your presence in this world was a real blessing.
You inspired me, guided me, and made me realise so much.
You're the best teacher and supervisor I have ever had!
I'll always look up to you, and be thankful for what you brought to my life.
Words cannot express my gratitude to you. Thank you for everything!
May you rest in peace in heaven!
Love always

Ms Vicky Lam
Former student



我和她首次见面是两年前,我赴浸会大学修读翻译课程。开课当天,我拿了她的 《中国翻译话语英译选集》让她签名。她接过书翻了翻惊喜问道 “你都看过了,了不起。”

她负责讲授 “西方翻译理论” 一上课就全讲英文,不但语速极快,内容也深。即便我专心去听,我也不一定跟得上。一堂课下来,很累。不过却很轻松,因为他教授的不仅仅是翻译理论,还有文学欣赏、社会问题、学术思潮,让我思维尽情发散。课后,她都鼓励同学讨论,如果发现有学生摆出一副争论的架势,会来上一句:”Good.” 他鼓励学生发问,因为他说:”There is no foolish question in my class.” 的确如此,你知道的别人不一定知道。除了听讲,上她的课还要读大量的英文翻译理论文献:尤金奈达、彼得纽马克、吉迪恩图里、汉斯维米尔、苏珊巴斯内特等都要读。不光要读,还要讲出来,这个“讲” 不仅是讲内容,还要讲你怎么想。所以,为了消化分到的课题,不得不花大量时间泡图书馆,找资料,拟草稿。我分到的第一个题目是 伊万佐哈的多元系统论(小组演讲),上台那天,讲了不到五分钟就卡壳了,不过,他还是示意我接着讲下去,并耐心听完。打分为A,实在意外。 虽说第一次演砸了,她仍然不断给我机会让我上台,分给我的题目也颇有分量:尤金奈达的对等,道格拉斯罗宾逊后殖民主义,效果也越来越好。最后一次演讲一气呵成。

她布置作业的方法很特别:just write anything about translation. 没有规定。所以,我总要绞尽脑汁去想写什么。交论文那天,她对我们说 “write the eassy for you, not for me. It is your assignment, your achievement.” 作业是学生的成果,不管做得如何。等到把论文领下来一看,该改的地方都改了,批注写得满满的,我吓一跳,”好认真啊“ 领到论文后的一个星期,是论文讲评课,课后,如果还有不懂的,还可以另约时间,他会给你讲清楚才放手。我总共写了两篇论文, 一篇是《水浒传人物绰号英译研究》,另一篇是《再探 “信达雅”》虽然不成熟,但学到了写论文,改论文的方法。我称为“张教授式改法”。 之后,我担任香港科技大学中医学英文论文兼职校改员,就用这种方法改论文,效果奇佳。

他说过 她不希望我的学生不知道自己该干什么?我想这应该是他的教学理念。就是说 学生毕业时就应知道自己该干什么。而翻译课程,或者说任何课程的目的就是 “inspire students to aquire the knowledge and to know where to aquire it" 她教我的就是让我学会思考我缺什么,我如何去补。 而让我去思考的方法就是犯错误。我学的还不错,原因就在于此。


Wang Dawen
MA Programme,